
Jun 30, 2007 23:29

After finding our driver and his sidekick we were ushered to his bus to take us to the hotel. I had to laugh, on his dashboard was a plastic statue of Buddha that changed colors. I wish I could have gotten a picture of it, it was hilarious. We drove through delhi and I was amazed at how sane the driving was. Delhi actually has a madness to its roads, at least in the major parts of the city. The have actual roundabouts, people who stay in their lane, it was nice to not have to play chicken with a car coming at you. I knew we were close to the hotel b/c i recognized the street name but our driver was lost. He called Sanji the travel agent and was like "Sanji, Sanji, mumble in Hindi, Sanji? Sanji?" hang up the phone, phone rings again, "Sanji? Sanji? mumble in Hindi, Sanji? Sanji?" this went on for literally 10 min while we're carenning down side streets trying not to hit people, cows, autorickshaws and everything else. There was a hotel called hotel paradise or something like that and we all thought at first the names were messed up and that was our hotel, it was the sketchiest thing I have ever seen, luckily though we found Hotel Perfect and it's quite safe here. The hotel is really nice. We're on the 3rd floor. On this trip, its me, Pam, Tonya and Tim. Pam, Tonya and I are sharing a room b/c poor ole' Tim doenst feel comfortable sharing a room with a girl. Of course he tells us this in the most rude way ever and then adds "but you can use my bathroom" wtf. So we have two beds and a cot in our room. When we got here, it was only men in the lobby, checking us in. They tried to get us to take an elevator upstairs but you put 4 Americans, 1 Indian and 4 pieces of luggage in a small elevator and it doesnt work. Plus we all started giggling. I though Tonya was holding her hands over her chest b/c Tim has a habit at looking at her breasts and he's over 6 foot and she's only 5'4 but then I noticed Pam was squirming also, so we quickly got off the elevator. We hoofed it up 4 flights on stairs and pam said the guy on the elevator was rubbing his elbow against her breast. Creepy people.

We passed out around 3am and had to be up at and ready to go at 7:30am. The driver and his sidekick picked us up and we started off to sightsee in Delhi. At the first traffice light, an Indian woman saw we were white and came up to the van window and started banging on it, holding her child and asking for money/food. Her baby was beautiful with blue eyes. After I ignored her, she went and banged on everyone else's window trying to get money/food. Shantha told us not to give money out. Instead whenever we eat, when we have leftovers, we get that away so that makes me feel a bit better.

One of our first stops was the Gate on India. It looks like the L'arc de triumph in France. It's a huge stone stucture and commemerates fallen Indian soldiers.

Need to get off the computer, others need to use it. We're leaving delhi at 2am to head to the airport and fly out of delhi at 445am. I'll be at the Y

delhi india

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