Back by popular demand . . . an LJ update from Shanna! Unfortunately, I have nothing good to say. Sometimes, when that happens, it makes for a really good LJ entry. This is not one of those times.
- Well, so much for taking care of my body before my big audition; I am super sunburnt. And by super, I mean people gasp when they see my legs (no joke).
- One of the many cool traditions at Whitman is Choral Contest. This has been going on for 80 years and different groups of people compete for a prize - money donated to the charity of their choice. This is the second year now that I've been involved in Indy Women (Independent meaning not in the Greek system). There are some AMAZING traditions that go along with being an Indy Woman the night before Choral Contest. I am sad it's ending; we've had SO much fun this year and I don't think any of us will ever forget our choegraphy to "hard-boiled employer". As a sad sidenote, I heard the Sigs might not be competing. Last year was great when one of their buffest guys dressed up as Ariel and they sang "kiss the girl". It was pretty spectacular.
- Buff should be spelled "bough", with an -ough like "rough" and "tough". Just a thought. Then again, I still am bitterly angry that "forty" is spelled without a 'u'. I mean, honestly: doesn't "fourty" make a heck of a lot more sense?
- I think my window is a magnet for noise. There was just a crappy string quartet playing outside of it, now there is a loud, giggly conversation that people think I can't hear, there are drunken noises and, oh yes, the ducks. The ducks like in the pond outside my window and like to start randomly quacking and odd hours in the night, for no reason.
- I have Shostakovich and Prokofiev stuck in my head. Namely, the first movement of Shostakovich's fifth symphony, the third movement of Prokofiev's seventh piano sonata, and the second movement of Prokofiev's fifth symphony. That's what I get for having a listening quiz this morning.
- I got called to jury duty, but I can't do it - I'll be in Europe for our Chamber Singers tour. Woe is me.
Well, this entry is going nowhere, so I'll end it. At least I updated, right? And perhaps I will again sometime soon. I've just been so MK busy . . . I hope you all are well!