Feb 22, 2014 22:55


Ages ago, a number of kind and thoughtful makers gave me some of my old icons to remake (to celebrate the end of 2013 or something). I finally did it! They may not be traditional remakes, because I didn't use the same caps as the original icons, but I did try to remake the technical and thematic aspects of the original icons. If you look below, I've listed the aspects that I kept the same for both the original and new icons. You can see the original icon if you click on the x after each list.

Thank you all for putting up with me!

1. for raiindust: cap/rainbow colors(x)
2. for applepips16: crop/same quote(x)
3. for scoobyatemysnax: unusual crop/character/high contrast(x)
4. for reebeecaa: queen/high contrast/vibrance(x)

5. for raiindust: full-body/complementary colors(x)
6. for partitioning: uhura/vibrance/complementary colors(x)
7. for cool-spectrum: darcy/vibrance/pinks&purples(x)
8. for lemonzter: clara/faceless hair porn/landscape(x)

9. for vintagic: cersei/purple/vibrance(x)
10. for deternot: unusual crop/muted&natural colors(x)
11. for nedthepiemaker: dean/retro episode/orange(x)
12. for john-scorpy: powerful/achromatic(x)

Here are a few more from unfinished challenges:

Orphan Black (x2), Doctor Who (x2), Sleepy Hollow


tv: doctor who, -icons, -challenge, tv: sleepy hollow, tv: orphan black, tv: game of thrones, movie: thor the dark world, tv: vikings, tv: supernatural, movie: star trek into darkness

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