Brief Points

Jan 02, 2013 22:22

Im just going to kick start this off, by saying that there are many of you here that I would love to sit with, around the table after drinks and food and just enjoy your company, so I feel that this particular word completely sums it up :)

Happy birthday to robvansam, I hope you have a lovely day with Jes tomorrow Rob and get spoilt :)Thank you Jen, for the wonderful gingerbread nom! nom! and everyone else who sent me one, such reciprocation is so appreciated, I just wish I could of sent more than the allotted number that Livejournal restricts you too :/

Ps. What on earth is "Annus Mirabilis" Jen? I admit my Latin is pretty rusty and I'd love for you to tell me in your own words ;)Anyone know how to RSS a journal as the boy is interested in reading the blog - Although if that proves too confusing I'll direct him to the actual blog itself - much appreciated for any advice on how to do itGot home from the beach again, and I think really Im all beached out :)Did everyone have a Good New Years? I have one here that was taken as the lanterns were set off, I also have a video but really who needs to see a video of the same thing?

Really gorgeous night, clear sky, moon, fireworks, lanterns being set off, what more could you ask for?I have immersed myself into Downton Abbey (How on earth did I not start watching this when it first aired.. SO GOOD)Jeeze LJ is being a sulky bitch right now, what is going on with the "You may encounter problems..." message?Back to work and normallacy tomorrow, meaning I can actually devote some time to reading and actually leaving comments :)Finally, something to tickle the funny,

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