1. Yourself: open book
2. Your car: too huge
3. Your Hair: thick & wavy
4. Your mother:ardent reader
5. Your father: devoted perfectionist
6. Your Favorite Item: Nikon camera
7. Your Dream Last Night: completed listsr
8. Your Favorite Drink: strawberry malt
9. Your Dream Home: meadow view
10. The Room You Are In: living room
11. Your Pet: mooching mutt
12. Your fear: endless loneliness
13. Where You Want to be in Ten Years: right here!
14. Who you hung out with last night: Hubby n kids
15. What You're Not: ever organized
16. Your Best Friend: far away :-(
17. One of Your Wish list Items: England Bound!
18. Your Gender:female persuasion!
19. The Last Thing You Did: rehearsed play
20. What You Are Wearing:fat pants
21. Your Favorite Weather?: clear brisk
22. Your Favorite Book: the Belgariad
23. The Last Thing You Ate: ice cream
24. Your Life: happy chaos
25. Your Mood: fondly reflective
26. The last person you talked to on the phone: Husband Burt