What a weekend!

May 19, 2008 11:43

I knew this weekend was going to be a test of endurance, and so it proved, but it was lots of fun too!

I spent all day Saturday with the Jr. High orchestra kids on their reward trip to a local ranch that has lots of activities.  They had a blast, and I enjoyed watching them.  The weather was just about perfect, high 70's with intermittent sun and sprinkles of rain.  Mid May Texas can be brutally warm, we were really lucky to have such fantastic weather!

Yesterday, Sunday, was a day of running to get everything in.  Church in the morning, then Burt had to to meet the director and choreographer of Barnum at the theater to hash out the final casting, Nate had rehearsal of the church play at 3:00, and then we scooped him up and took all three kids to their piano recital.  They all did alright, but it wasn't stellar.  Then we left early and went to church to see the kid's play (one poor child knocked the microphone off its base and didn't know what to do...)Nate did really well as the Father, this is his last experience as a church choir player.   Finally, we went to see Prince Caspian with the church crowd.  We rented out the whole theater, and it was AWESOME!  They did change the story somewhat, and I'm not going to spoil it for those who haven't seen it yet, but for once the changes weren't bad.  The only thing I'll say is that the Telmarine accent sucked.  It was very distracting.

Oh, and with the casting out now, I am going to be the supreme Diva Jenny Lind, Bethany is going to be Tom Thumb, Lelia is going to be a roustabout and understudy Joyce Heth, and Nate is going to be a roustabout.  Oh, Bethany gets to ride her unicycle across the stage at the end too!

Did you all have a good weekend?
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