(no subject)

Sep 02, 2005 17:13

yesterday was cool just kinda slept most of it talked to ryan on the phone then called katie and talked to suzanne online that was about it. today was somewhat the same i woke up at 8 to take dayquil gel pills which are very hard to swallow and then zach woke me up at 10 to watch dawsons creek with him so i did that then went to go sleep in the hammock which was nice and zach joined me later and we were just chillin and i was talking to him it was cool i guess, then katie called and i talked to her for a while, while in the hammock with zach that was fun too and now i'm inside on the computer waiting for my mom to get home so i can ask to go to katies tonight. so yea another pointless entry

"But really, who’s crazier? The people who do stuipid
and insane things or the people who are offended by
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