Just a quiz.. yoinked from Indigo

Nov 13, 2007 21:46

Your Score: Yuki-Onna

You scored 21 in Malice and 20 in Chaos!

Yuki-Onna manifests herself as an irresistably beautiful maiden clad in a white kimono, pure and inviolate. However, appearances are deceiving; her skin is pale and her breath like frost; she appears to mountain travelers in the midst of terrible blizzards and hovers above them while they sleep, slowly but inevitably sucking the life from their lips and breath. She is a terrible demon who, once attracted, cannot be repelled.

However, she is also susceptible to the charms of the opposite sex; if a man is handsome enough, she may spare his life on the condition that he swears never to reveal the encounter to others. This promise, once made, must be kept; for, like an obsession, Yuki-Onna will follow the man for the rest of his natural life, perhaps even disguising herself as a future wife, waiting and watching for any hint of betrayal. If the man ever breaks her trust, the consequences are fatal.

Link: The Japanese Demon Profile Test written by Maharbal on OkCupid Free Online Dating, home of the The Dating Persona Test
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