Peter Parker: Back in the FUTURE, they were kind of buddies, -ish, even though Peter is annoying, and Logan actually had a lot of respect for Pete. Even in BIZARRO LAND Peter's clearly retained his good nature, so he's one of two people Logan auto-trusts. Still talks too much though. Also, is way too paranoid about the bulletin board. Peter 2 indeed.
Kurt Wagner: A.K.A. Elf, a.k.a. Logan's indisputable best friend (again, back in the FUTURE). Here, obviously, he's kind of a teenager, which is weird; but Logan's sticking with him anyway. See above re: auto-trust.
Scott Pilgrim: A kid who has a patch for Xavier's on his jacket, but claims to not be a mutant, which makes him a probable friendless shut-in, or something. He's about 50% decent kid and 50%...stupid kid. Also, his secret codes are too hard to use.
Carter: An overly cheerful Sergeant.
Terry/Alex: Kurt's roommate; apparently some kind of cape.
Tifa: Hot like Mexi Surprisingly tough and pretty reliable; however, because there can be no tough good-looking ladiez without a catch, she's also stubborn and more than occasionally childish. But she apparently knows how to make booze out of easily-obtained ingredients, so that makes up for a lot.
Indiana Jones: A crazy man. A crazy man who seems sane and level-headed, but he calls himself Indiana Jones, so. I mean come on.
Recluse: A vaguely sinister-seeming guy who nonetheless has non-sinister ideas.
Naruto: Seems loud and stupid.
Sakura: Seems like an okay kid/pretty smart. Also is apparently a ninja. Fucking ninjas, they are everywhere.
Mihai: Has only talked to him on the bulletin board; does not trust him, although he seems all right. That's just what they want you to think!!!!
Yuffie: Impressively helpful and on top of things (and not freaking out), for a kid.
Oliver: Roommate #2 - apparently an inhabitant of zombie central; seems reasonably intelligent and capable of surviving, so that's something.