OK so this spring break was good. I got to hang out with my boyfriend some of the time. I talked to Janet cause she was worried about Terrance and I hope he is ok and good now. Today is 04/04/04 that is crazy. One word of advice NEVER TAKE A PICTURE WHEN YOU GO CROSS-EYED! It burns your eyes and gives you a headache. But yea today I got to hang out with my boyfriend and I love him so much we are going to get married. Trust me I know this. I've never felt this way about anyone else and I know we are
-- name: Melissa
-- birthplace: Bloomsburg
-- current Location: PC
-- eye color: bye
-- hair color: i think light brown
-- height: 5'6"
-- righty or lefty: righty
-- zodiac sign: Taurs
-- your weakness: .. :/
-- your fear: Dieing slowly
-- your perfect pizza: LOTS OF CHEESE
-- goal you'd like to achieve: to be a bartender
-- your thoughts first waking up: can't want to see my boyfriend
-- your bedtime: whenever
-- your most missed memory: having my grand mother come an visit
-- pepsi or coke: Pepsi
-- single or group dates: single
-- adidas or nike: Adidas
-- lipton ice tea or nestea: nestea
-- chocolate or vanilla: chocolate
-- cappuccino or coffee: both
-- smoke: uh
-- cuss: ha
-- sing: when i'm alone
-- take a shower everyday: maybe
-- have a crush: oh yea;)
-- do you think you've been in love: yes am right no
-- want to go to college: yeah
-- like(d) high school: NO
-- want to get married: yes
-- believe in yourself: yes
-- get motion sickness: no
-- think you're attractive: -
-- think you're a health freak: no
-- get along with your parent(s): sometimes
-- like thunderstorms: hate them i hide!
-- play an instrument: no
this month...
-- drank alcohol: no
-- smoked: no
-- done a drug: no
-- had sex: no
-- made out: yes
-- gone to the mall?: yeah twice
-- eaten an entire box of oreos: no
-- been on stage: no
-- been dumped: no
-- gone skating: no
-- made homemade cookies: no
-- gone skinnydipping: no
-- dyed your hair: no
-- stolen anything: no
-- played a game that required removal of clothing: yes
-- if so, was it mixed company: yea
-- been trashed or extremely intoxicated: yes
-- been caught "doing something": uh
-- been called a tease: yes all the time
-- gotten beaten up: no
-- shoplifted: -
-- changed who you were to fit in: no
-- age you hope to be married: whenever
-- describe your dream wedding: not a big wedding but with friends and family in Hawii
-- how do you want to die: idk...
-- what do you want to be when you grow up: bartender
-- what country would you most like to visit: Spain
-- best eye color? green
-- best hair color? light brown/blonde/red/black
-- short or long hair: medium
-- height: taller.
-- best weight: normal
-- best articles of clothing: i perfer none
-- best first kiss location: anywhere
-- of drugs taken illegally: none
-- of people i could trust with my life: 6
-- of CDs that i own: idk
-- of piercings: 5
--of scars on my body: alot
-- of things in my past that i regret: none..i live my life