recently yen just all over my mind, yes yen for this, yen for that
yen, and then suddenly it became ...Yen, yen, yen, yen Ing Tawang Ana Lintang
Yen Ing Tawang Ana Lintang from Javanese (not Japanese) language means If There Are Stars Above The Lake, in Javanese language yen means if of course with a different pronunciation. Actually it's a song title, a traditional Javanese song, and this song is very popular from generation to generation. From my grandfather/mother, my mom/dad and then me.
I usually hear this song played in radio every the morning after the morning news from my neighbor's radio. In my house we don't have a radio, CD or cassette player so how i listen to radio every morning is from my neighbor. My neighbor is very generous with his radio so every morning all of us in 5 buildings from his house can hear his radio in the morning.
Yes, i love it but sometimes it can be annoying especially when i have my day off where i still want to sleep till noon, but thanks to his live and loud morning radio show i can't do that, nah if something like that happen what i do next is just sit in my backyard listening it with a cup of hot vanilla latte in my hand.
and they always play that song : Yen Ing Tawang Ana Lintang (If There Are Stars Above The Lake), a love song about a man who really miss his girlfriend and how he keep waiting for her comin in the lake with stars above. my mom always say this song is the most romantic song for her because the lyrics is so deep and beautiful :
Yen ing tawang ana lintang, cah ayu
[If There Are Stars Above The Lake, hey beautiful girl]
aku ngenteni tekamu
[i am waiting for you to come]
marang mega ing angkasa
[to cloud in the sky]
ingsun takokke pawartamu
[i am asking how are you]
Janji-janji aku eling, cah ayu
[all the promises we made, i still remember all of it, girl]
sumedhot rasane ati
[i feel my heart just broken]
lintang-lintang ngiwi-iwi, nimas
[the stars are teasing me, dear]
tresnaku sundhul wiyati
[my unlimitted love, is so high as the sky]
Dhek semana janjiku disekseni mega kartika
[cloud and stars as the witness of my promise to you]
kairing rasa tresna asih
[with my deep and true love]
Yen ing tawang ana lintang, cah ayu
[If There Are Stars Above The Lake, , hey beautiful girl]
rungokna tangising ati
[please listen to this, my heart cryn]
binarung swarane ratri, nimas
[and feel it at night]
ngenteni mbulan ndadari
[waiting for a moonlight]
is it beautiful ne, so If There Are Stars Above The Lake, hey you my mind blowing man, i am waiting for you to come ...
yasu : you mean me ...?
noi : yes, you who else blow my mind but you ne ...
yasu : waiting for a moonlight ...? then who is the werewolf ...
noi : a werewolf ...?
yasu : we are gonna talk about The Red Ridding Hood right, you said she is a werewolf ..
noi : no no no ....
ah ya The Red Ridding Hood it remind me about something, this plan changing. I said if i want to go to Japan to watch yasu and Hyde one stage on Halloween Party ne, but i just realized something 2 days ago. I saw the calendar and found out if this year Halloween is next to Ied.
not this upcoming Ied, but this what i am talking about is the other Ied, it is still the same Islamic Holly day. i don't wanna go anywhere on Ied so there should be a plan changing. And i change it with this ..
Acid Black Cherry 5th Anniversay Live "Erect". yes, i want to join yasu's "Erect" on December. The pre_sale ticket for Fan Club is already open today and i did apply (read : ask my proxy to apply for me) for Dec 11 and 13th in Yoyogi so i don't have to go far away to Japan on Ied.
ごめんね Yukiko, i know i made a promise with you about going to watch this year Halloween Party together, and i am really sorry about this change ... but, there's always but ne. If i can't get the ticket i will back to the main plan to watch Halloween Party. demo ne, I hope i can get the tickets because ....
i want this 1 Maybe 2 Steps Closer to you, ya_san ... accomplished .
noi : and step into fascination trap of infratuation KISS ....
yasu : erase the KISS noi_chan ... so no werewolf talk tonight ...?
noi : no, why ...?
yasu : good, because i am a vampire ne. what do you say now ...
noi : meet somebody in the moon?
yasu : no, no enough with that moon talking ....