hi LJ... i haven't forgotten about you.

Nov 28, 2006 17:35

So ive actually had this LJ for quite a while and its gone through several stages of having hundreds of entries and then one day some radical angstyness makes me decide to delete everything in it and start over... i have no idea what provokes that when it happens. But its happened twice now. I'm not going to make a 3rd time... the stuff that i've written in the past is going to stay up because... frankly i'm to lazy to go through and delete it all and also... it doens't really make sense to. I have no idea why i ever did that. I really am rather excited about getting back into LJ mostly because there are certain myspace people [yes i also have a myspace these days... i know... shut up], who have no idea about my LJ so i can write things here that i can't there without worrying about offending people or starting shit because some over sensitive assholes think everything in the world has to do with them, or without worrying something i say is going to get taken the wrong way by someone who probably really shouldn't care. because apparently i have quite the ability to be amazingly crude and sarcastic pretty much with everything i say. hm. who knew. Anyway yes...
So yes. Hello once again LJ... i have kind of missed you.
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