SEVEN Spanish Angels

Jul 17, 2010 03:13

My old boss owled me a couple weeks ago and asked if I could come back to finish out some cleared cases, so I've requested some time to go back over there and finish up. It's been cleared by the Ministry. I'll be back in a week or so.

Kallen, mind if we postpone our dinner until I get back? I'll explain later.

new york new york, dr reid, spencer, kallen

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private numbersnfigures July 17 2010, 18:44:07 UTC

We can't win this week, can we Kate?


Re: private noheatnikki July 17 2010, 19:06:32 UTC
I know, and I hate it.

I'm going to try to get done as quickly as possible.


Re: private numbersnfigures July 17 2010, 19:11:04 UTC
I'll miss you, as always.

What cases? Are you at liberty to speak of them?


Re: private noheatnikki July 17 2010, 19:16:14 UTC
I'll miss you too. You could come with me if you want.

Mostly it's solved homicide cases that haven't gone to court yet. So I have to make sure my reports are in order so that they can use the reports in lieu of me testifying. There's not much terribly interesting, unfortunately. It means I'm in for a fairly boring trip.


Re: private numbersnfigures July 17 2010, 19:19:20 UTC
I'm still a bit "jetlagged", is the muggle term, from Vegas, so I think it'd be best if I just rested here for a few days.

Ah, paperwork. I don't mind paperwork so much...


Re: private noheatnikki July 17 2010, 19:21:43 UTC
Your loss then. You could have met my old team. It will be good to catch up with them.

Yes, it's mostly paperwork. I don't mind it so much when I feel like it's accomplishing something, but since these cases are already solved, it seems redundant.


Re: private numbersnfigures July 17 2010, 19:28:53 UTC
I'd enjoy meeting your old team sans Richard Castle, but, some other time. I'm sure there will be another chance.

Tying up loose ends is satisfying though, isn't it?


Re: private noheatnikki July 17 2010, 19:31:51 UTC
Oh, Spencer. Castle's not so bad.

I won't consider the ends completely tied up until the offenders are in jail. But it does feel good to be able to do as much as I can to make that happen.


Re: private numbersnfigures July 17 2010, 20:01:03 UTC
Get us alone in a room and feel the temperature drop.

I understand that feeling. Although I hardly get to see my cases through to that end. It must be fulfilling.


Re: private noheatnikki July 17 2010, 20:02:55 UTC
He actually suggested coming for a visit. I hadn't mentioned that to you yet.

There is a feeling of accomplishment when a case I've worked finds an acceptable conclusion. I feel like I've done everything I could do to make the world safer.


Re: private numbersnfigures July 17 2010, 20:21:53 UTC
Oh really? That will be... interesting.

Most of my satisfaction ends up coming from putting a face to a profile.


Re: private noheatnikki July 17 2010, 20:55:26 UTC
He's apparently considering a Nikki Heat edition in the UK and wants to see how aurors work over here.

I can see how that would be satisfying. I also like the feeling in an interrogation when a suspect breaks down and confesses.


Re: private numbersnfigures July 17 2010, 23:39:45 UTC
Oh for heaven's sake... Well. I'd be more than happy to give him a crash course.

You're like a bulldog, my love.


Re: private noheatnikki July 17 2010, 23:47:26 UTC
You know, I'm tempted to invite him just to be able to witness that.

I'll take that as a compliment.


Re: private numbersnfigures July 18 2010, 00:05:24 UTC
I don't think you want to witness whatever conversation this man and I would have.

You should. It was meant as one. Your tenacity is one of your most attractive qualities.


Re: private noheatnikki July 18 2010, 00:13:41 UTC
Actually, I'm pretty sure I would. I'd also want to sell tickets.

Thank you, Spencer. That's definitely a compliment coming from you. You're pretty tenacious yourself.


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