P is for Past, Prank, Patience, and Pain

Apr 10, 2007 07:23

I'm not going to panic about any of this hype because, let's face it, we've heard this before, and all that came from it was more food for the city, and a parade.

Despite the weird-assed things, people, and curses, we've all got friends ( and in some cases family ) who are still kicking. Even the ones we thought were dead.

So Just Calm Down.

Panic doesn't help anything, and only leads to more fun for the deities.

I made myself scarce all through that whole wave of 'Judgments/Kidnappings'...I had a bad feeling that the angry mob might go looking for anyone they could use for information, or something.

Not that I have any....All I have are a lot of holes in my memoryAnd fear....Always the fear.

I talked to the new Constantine over the network yesterday, and I have to admit I much rather like the original snark. New guy just comes off as an ass.
I couldn't get him to tell me what happened, but I think he tweaked out and tried to jump Cori?

...It's hard to believe he's gone....
I went walking last night, just star gazing, and had to catch myself so many times from thinking every shadow was going to spit him out.
I missed just being able to go for a pack of cigarettes at midnight.

If I wasn't so damned weak-...

I should have gone to help kill him.

Am I a fool in the dark? I don't know
Am I the ghost in my dreams? I don't know
Am I a shadow of life? I don't know
Am I afraid of the truth? I don't know
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