But time makes you bolder

Mar 09, 2011 22:37

At first I thought Glee was being beyond ridiculous last night. But then I really liked it. Kurt got a lead singing part, FINALLY. And everybody made me cry. And by everybody I mean Blaine and Santana.

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Also, I reconquered the tablet today. Last night I was having trouble feeling natural while drawing, its been like 2 months since I used it. Holy jelebus. Feel way better about this image hur.
Another Next Gen drawing, no Jesse this time :(
Loosely inspired by shirozora's fic. Although the poses are nothing like how it was described. I'm a rebel like that.

I like how fandom has decided that Claire is the most bad ass of the trio.
Backgrounds? I'm too hipster for backgrounds, I do faux backgrounds! *shot* No actually this was a prep for an actual background but I ended up liking this way better than anything I was making so I trashed the background for this.

You guys ever notice how fake mustaches make everything in life better, but real mustaches make everything in life worse? True story.

glee, youtubespam, supernatural!art, arts, nextgen, gifspam, supernatural, darren criss

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