At first I thought Glee was being beyond ridiculous last night. But then I really liked it. Kurt got a lead singing part, FINALLY. And everybody made me cry. And by everybody I mean Blaine and Santana.
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Also, I reconquered the tablet today. Last night I was having trouble feeling natural while drawing, its been like 2 months since I used it. Holy jelebus. Feel way better about this image hur.
Another Next Gen drawing, no Jesse this time :(
Loosely inspired by
fic. Although the poses are nothing like how it was described. I'm a rebel like that.
I like how fandom has decided that Claire is the most bad ass of the trio.
Backgrounds? I'm too hipster for backgrounds, I do faux backgrounds! *shot* No actually this was a prep for an actual background but I ended up liking this way better than anything I was making so I trashed the background for this.
You guys ever notice how fake mustaches make everything in life better, but real mustaches make everything in life worse? True story.