Feb 06, 2005 22:32
well it all started when i went to the mall to hang with dan and his girl freind and her freind well that got pretty boreing after all anyone ever did was stand there so who did i see but bryan feger and we were like we're bored lets get out of here so we did. we were driving around and we said lets go to the city i forgot to mention at this time i had takin 2 conserta 1 adarol and one caffene pill it tuned out that feger had ben collecting concerta so i took some more and i was wired and then we drove to the city and parked the car in a parking gurage then we walked to trump tour and t steped on the top of the steps then we went to mcdonalds were we called dan but he didnt believe us then we went to time square and we erre walking around and we see this odd bike with six seats that go around in a circle it was a part bike so we pay our 10 dollars each and we take a spin and it was sapost to be for 25 mins but sence the guy was really kool and me and bryan feger have god social skills he let us ride it with him for 2 hours some of the custmers we got were this drunken hooker and this drunk couple from englind that wanted to be takes to a bar but not just any bar a proper bar so we took them to a praper bar. me and feger were yelling PARTY BIKE and stuff trying to pick up chicks and what not then the ride was over the bike had to go back in for the night so me and bryan feger decided to walk the 412 blocks back to the car on our way we meet a very angry black homless lady. me and bryan feger wer simply admiring her very nicely made carboard house that had its own seprit tooms and everything she yelled at us and called us canibills and talked aabout "our people" well we were afraid of her so we left actually we ran away then we got back to the car and we went home after getting lost in the queens but thanks to bryan fegers amazing navigting skills he got us out of there. we got home and i slept for an hour do to the amount of speed that was in me yeeah it was an amazingly random night.