what it is.
mexico for new years. and most of the pictures looked the same, so i picked the ones that sort of look different, or the only ones i care about. so there.
me and dustin and the rocky point sunset.
saw zach rodgers, he's my favorite. it was random running into him in mexico, and notice torry in the background.
i told dustin to go stand by the ocean, and he got mad, obviously.
the entire crew. two girls, eight guys. made for an interesting trip.
i mistankingly signed up for the harry potter english class. that's right, a whole class where we read and write about harry potter. shoot me ok.
i got mad at andy yesterday, but today it's ok.
i'm really excited about my environment class, i wish mel could take it with me. she would appreciate it more than anyone i know.
i'm tiiiiiired.