20 years ago

Nov 09, 2009 13:48

The Wall came tumbling down.

At least parts of it did. Having been there to personally see the Wall (and I do consider it to be a proper noun), I can say that it is a most powerful symbol and object, and while isn't the barrier it once was, it is unbelievably significant in the every day lives on Germans. The Wall is up in many places still, and where it's not, lines clearly denote where it once stood. It's a bold and blazing sign proclaiming "Never forget", that just coming in contact with it sends shivers down your spine. I can't begin to imagine what it must have been like to live where there when the Wall was intact; separating families and friends, East from West. And 20 years ago when the restriction was lifted and the flood of humanity began to cross the line I didn't fully understand the significance (nor did I realize, 1 year ago, that I was there almost exactly 19 years to the day of the Wall coming down).

But 20 years later, I've been there and I've seen. And I'm sure I still don't truly understand and respect it as I should. But I do know that the Wall coming down is something to be noted and remembered; every bit as important as when JFK was shot, Pearl Harbor was bombed, when the Challenger exploded, or when Obama was elected President.
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