Oct 08, 2007 14:46
This took me way too long.
From Karen: Having Awesome Hair, Sarah's Mom, Working With Famous People, Living With Nicole, Living With Druggies, Cheap Chinese Food, and Photography.
Having Awesome Hair: I have to admit: when my hair plays ball, it looks pretty awesome. I think that the majority of my hair's awesomeness lies in what I like to call The Spring Factor. If you pull down on a ringlet, it will bounce back into place! You can almost hear the boing. My hair is also a rather nice shade of dark brown, which some people seem to think is not natural. It's not dye, just awesome. Downside to Having Awesome Hair is that when my hair misbehaves I'm left with Having Natural Disaster Hair.
Sarah's Mom: My mom and I have a lot of issues, but overall she's one kick ass mommasita. Everyone seems to love her, which I think is due to the fact that she's hilarious and has a way of making you feel like you're the best person ever. Also? She dances like crazy at weddings--she and my dad were first out on the floor at my cousins wedding this weekend, dancing around like idiots (I love my dad, but he's a dork and dances like a dork).
Working With Famous People: The thing about working with famous people is that they have all reached a level of achievement in the industry that sort of bleeds down to the people that work with/for them. Here's another example: imagine you're an assistant researcher working with a scientist trying to find the cure for cancer. That's pretty neat, right? Now imagine you're an assistant researcher working with a scientist who is trying to find the cure for cancer, but has already discovered a new drug that increases survival rates by 15%. Well now you're working with someone who as already made huge strides in the defeat cancer field, and this gives the appearance that you actually have a good shot of helping defeat cancer. It's basically the same thing but with top people in film and television.
Living with Nicole: Living with Nicole is The Best Thing Ever because we work so well on so many different levels. We're practically the same person, and even the differences we do have compliment each other (she doesn't like dark meat--I love dark meat! she likes ugly guys--I like hot guys!).
Basically, any roommate where you can have this conversation:
A: So I'm thinking...
B: Does it involve Chinese food, alcohol and Bride & Prejudice?
A: Yes!
means you're living with a winner. And Nicole? Is a winner.
Also, I think we find each other funnier than anyone else does, and that never hurts (So...I'd like a cherry limeade and...a brain).
Living With Druggies: I don't know! I seem to attract them like flies! I need to develop some sort of druggie repellent.
Cheap Chinese Food: Is awesome! Seriously, I'd rather go to the dive around the corner than to P.F. Changs. Cheaper and greasier: what more could you want? Though I will say that when cheap Chinese food goes wrong it goes really wrong
Photography: I adore photography. It's something that I've been around all my life, and what started out as a desire to be like/get approval from my dad and older sister, has become a full blown love affair with the art form.
I'd put up more about why I love photography, but I've had this journal entry open for four days now, and I need to move on with my life.