Jul 19, 2007 18:10
So I was telling Nicole about how I've noticed that there are two distinct groups forming re: the subject of marriage for people in or recently out of college. You've got the group that's for it--the people who are married or are getting married, and the people who support them (people who would get married except for the fact they have no one to marry). You've got the young marriage communities on Lj, and though I can't vouch for the intent of the producers, the tv show "Engaged and Underage" on MTV does seem to have a big following of people who are pro young marriage.
And then you have the other group, which is comprised of people who are sitting there wondering if there's something in the water.
Case in Point:
Nicole: i think [someone] joined a facebook group called "everyone i know is getting engaged or married, but i'm just getting drunk"
And a girl on my blist had an away message that was basically(and I'm paraphrasing): "AAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH everybody needs to stop getting married!"
Every single time I talk to Sarahnoah she makes some sort of comment about how she goes through her facebook and almost everyone is married or engaged. Heck, I even had this conversation with Nick Houfek last time I spoke to him. Everywhere I turn it seems that someone is making a comment about people getting married at a young age. And, of course, each side seems to think that they're absolutely and completely in the right. As Nicole put it: "we're all talking past each other...everyone thinks everyone in the other group is crazy"
I'm just waiting until the away messages become: "AAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH everybody needs to stop getting pregnant!" Natural progression, right?
Anyway, I'll wrap up this up by including "Nicole Dana's List of Reasons That Should Not Be Used As Justification To Get Married (At Any Age)":
"Well I figured it was time"
"I didn't want to end up alone"
"I was pregnant"
"my parents will hate you!"
"I wanted to have a big pretty party that was all about me." (which I'm fairly sure is directed at me. What can I say? I like parties!)