Nov 27, 2008 22:35
I miss my servers. Ever since i got AT&T for internet service i can't contact my servers anymore from away from home. The gateway they gave seems to work in every way except that it does not allow unsolicited traffic into my network. So no web sever and no ssh server and no ftp server.... and a very sad gene. :(
Tomorrow i am going to call them and ask what the deal is. Because I know the url is being directed to the correct IP address. NSlookup tells me so. Also tracert works ok. I know I've been as explicit as possible in my gateway configurations as i can be. Telling the router exactly which of my computers in my house are servers and what servers they are. But i still can't get the gateway to forward my traffic, not even if i am in the network it should be forwarded to. (i can directly get those service from within my own network however. I just can't ask my gateway to be the gofer for my IP traffic like i should if it were forwarding traffic like a good little router.
I'll call THEM tomorrow and see if i can't get some kind of answer to this problem.