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Nov 02, 2008 21:52

Your result for Howard Gardner's Eight Types of Intelligence Test...

35% Logical, 55% Spatial, 18% Linguistic, 37% Intrapersonal, 2% Interpersonal, 6% Musical, 24% Bodily-Kinesthetic and 45% Naturalistic!

"This area has to do with vision and spatial judgment. People with strong visual-spatial intelligence are typically very good at visualizing and mentally manipulating objects. They have a strong visual memory and are often artistically inclined. Those with visual-spatial intelligence also generally have a very good sense of direction and may also have very good hand-eye coordination, although this is normally seen as a characteristic of the bodily-kinesthetic intelligence.

Careers which suit those with this intelligence include artists, engineers, and architects." (Wikipedia)

Take Howard Gardner's Eight Types of Intelligence Test at HelloQuizzy

Your result for Howard Gardner's Eight Types of Intelligence Test...

35% Logical, 45% Spatial, 18% Linguistic, 37% Intrapersonal, 2% Interpersonal, 6% Musical, 24% Bodily-Kinesthetic and 55% Naturalistic!

"This area has to do with nature, nurturing and relating information to one's natural surroundings. Those with it are said to have greater sensitivity to nature and their place within it, the ability to nurture and grow things, and greater ease in caring for, taming and interacting with animals. They may also be able to discern changes in weather or similar fluctuations in their natural surroundings. They are also good at recognizing and classifying different species.

'Naturalists' learn best when the subject involves collecting and analyzing, or is closely related to something prominent in nature; they also don't enjoy learning unfamiliar or seemingly useless subjects with little or no connections to nature. It is advised that naturalistic learners would learn more through being outside or in a kinesthetic way.

Careers which suit those with this intelligence include scientists, naturalists, conservationists, gardeners and farmers." (Wikipedia)

Take Howard Gardner's Eight Types of Intelligence Test at HelloQuizzy
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