The Past Three Days...

Aug 21, 2003 00:18

+ Played a lot of guitar
+ Hung out with Tyler a lot
+ Liz J. and Shaye came over hella late, got to have a talk and hang with them for a while, fun stuff.
- Holli ditched me, and didn't even bother to call which screwed my other plans up.
+ Skated a little out front.
- Haven't got to talk to ALama very much.
+ Went to see my counselor at Columbia, she was really nice.
+ Got all my registration for my classes done.
- Holli ditched me again even though she said she was sorry last time she ditched me which was just 2 days ago...(actions speak louder than words people)
+ I got a dorm
+ I am moving on the 29th i think...into my dorm
- I don't know if i will have a computer..:-\
+ I think i am finally going to get a cell
- I made a new song and it took me forever to make and i forgot to save it :-(
- I am already tired of doing this post done

bye yall...

much love!


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