Восстановление Acer one

Jan 21, 2011 16:58

Неожиданно умер Асер от выключения общего питания.
Спасла перепрошивка БИОСа
Берется тут ftp://ftp.acer-euro.com/netbook/aspire_one_110/bios/
Записывается на отформатированную в ФАТ флешку.
Затем следуем инструкции тут http://www.qrpcw.com/2009/01/acer-aspire-one-bios-recovery.html
Rename the BIOS file to ZG5IA32.FD, that's important.
Turn the AA1 off, make sure both battery and AC adapter are connected. Press Fn+Esc, keep it pressed and press the power button to turn the AA1 on. Release Fn+Esc after a few seconds, the power button will be blinking. Press the power button once. The AA1 will now initiate the BIOS flash, do not interrupt it under any circumstances. After a while the power button will stop blinking, and the AA1 will reboot shortly after. Wait patiently.

The BIOS has been flashed and all settings reset to default.

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