Aug 28, 2008 00:57
the future for me is as certain as what i'll eat tomorrow. and in each case, i don't know what i want. i don't want to go to school and earn a degree, only to not use it. like my sister, among others. it seems like it's more and more common these days.
i killed today in basketball. no one asked about it, not even my roommates who walked in while i was playing and saw me. not that you could understand, but every shot fell. i was taking two or three guys stuck on my arms to the basket every time and i couldn't be stopped. i blocked 3 shots today unmercifully, i sent two out of bounds. i feel stronger. the past few times i've played, my legs have been weak and unstable from lack of playing, but today was different. today i had that edge. it's a rare thing to feel like you'll never land, never wake up, never stop. and tomorrow i will suffer from today. there is no consistency. i still get really bad tunnel vision, i miss easy shots, i back down too easily, i don't embarrass people when i should obliterate their oversized ego. i feel like i'm trying to prove moot points. that daydream of being noticed and gaining respect will always be overshadowed by the fact that i am white. honestly, name one white all-star basketball player. matter of fact, name one white guy who carries any nba or ncaa team. i will argue with you. i guess it's b/c all white guys would rather shoot than drive. rather be fundamental than aggressive. rather pass than shoot. fuck that. fuck stereotypes.
proposal: now here's a role reversal, how about introducing affirmative action into basketball organizations?
response: so we can watch boring, untalented games????
(safe to say you're all wtf'ing, but someone will get this, right?)
here's something that is aaaawesome. tomorrow is my weekend. holy hell, tomorrow @ 11 i am done and get to focus on basketball and more importantly FOOTBALL, and most importantly what to do with my boo. i'm feeling like using our eating out night tomorrow.