Mar 10, 2011 17:04
With less then a week left till i am home time is starting to slow down....... I'm trying to keep my self busy finishing a linen shirt and carving my first pewter badge mold ready for testing when i get home. I do the test here but sadly someone killed the hot plate trying to make KD in the rain. Before any one ask and as much as i like KD, it wasn't me.
I hate to admit it but the only thing on my mind is food. Try not to snack at work, enduring the de-fac food, trying not to spend money on boardwalk take-out. We did get some extra snack food as food supply try to empty sea-containers. We got BACON!!!. Frozen, some what stale, pre-cooked bacon, but its still bacon. Its a real battle to lose wight here when we spend so much time waiting for the chaos of the move to start, it's a good time to go on vocation.
The office is still slow, there is not much happening and we can see the list of things to do build up for the move out. None of that we can touch till we get the OK to start packing. So we sit and wait, we get the odd printer call that breaks up the day... At the same time a number of people who have been here for a while are leaving. So we will have a office of relatively new people.
The newest kid on the block is a young guy from our inventory department. Need to gag the little disgruntled demon in ones head that tells you that you have school and career experience and make the same as him who has none but he is hard working and eager to learn and with the big move coming up that is worth a lot more to us then some know-it-all who sits around all day.
So all that is left is to count the days and hours till i am back on a plane...
PS: My list of things to Eat when home: Sushi, A holiday foul with all the fixings, Tourtiere, A proper Pizza, A proper Sub Sandwich, Canadian improper Chinese take out. A huge plate of Nachos, A salad that’s made of things other then lattice, cucumber and olives. A sauce that didn't come from a very large tin. To just eat with a metal fork and a ceramic plate, And of course a box of old fashion Kraft dinner.