(no subject)

Feb 11, 2010 16:14

Wow the clock keeps winding down, less then 20 days now... The weather here has been cold, we had frost the one night. OK so that may cause every one in Ottawa reading this to roll there eyes, but that's cold here. This started about a week ago the night after I last posted we got a quite large rain storm leaving this place full of water... Even washed out some of the base.

Its quite at work other then the military has shortened the amount of time we have to finish. The made it so we more or less have to fail at some point. My department prides itself in having a perfect bonus rating for getting things done in the time given. So the military has decided to shorten these times on the grounds of “just cause” … The longer I stay here the less I want to do government work back home... Any way its means now we are doing night shifts.

I did the first week and was there for the one ticket that whole week that was called in. When I got on site the guys there were packing up to go to there tents and were surprised to see me and annoyed as they had to wait while I fixed there computers. They had sent the ticket at the end of there shift in the hopes to get the first tech the next morning.

The Olympics are going to be broadcast to the new screen here. Yes the government built a small movie theater here so the soldiers could watch the Olympics on a 30 foot screen. I know that's not big for a movie screen back home but here the largest before that was the one we built for the movie nights and it was 15 feet.

With the Olympics other countries are prepping, this afternoon one of the US jets was practicing doing smoke circles in the sky, in the plan to do a proper Olympics rings at some point. Sorry didn't get pictures of this as I got no batteries for the digital camera, my charger has walked away and there seems to be a bit of a shortage of AA batteries on base. Did find some but too late to get a pic of the rings. But I am ready for when he does the main show.

Any way I will talk to you all soon...
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