4.04: Time for some thrilling heroics.

Jul 02, 2007 18:31

The Mainframe populace go about their business as usual, if disturbingly cheerfully. The air is filled with cars and zipboards, not CPUs and tanks.

Everything's quiet, more or less.

Of course, given the group that's just coming in from Milliways, that's not liable to last long.


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header count a1enzo July 13 2007, 06:30:42 UTC
First through the door is their native guide, ready to explain features of his world or give directions to the bathroom if anyone forgot to go before.


Re: header count mandercommander July 13 2007, 14:47:04 UTC
Bruck glances around when he steps through the door. A hallway. A pretty normal hallway, even if it might look a little...odd. "So...where are we, Enzo?"


Re: header count a1enzo July 13 2007, 16:22:33 UTC
"My house. It's in Beverly Hills. That's my room," he adds, pointing to one door; it's closed, though.


Re: header count mandercommander July 13 2007, 19:22:14 UTC
"Ah...your door opened from the hall into the Bar, then?" I can see why he was so upset when he saw it glowing...


Re: header count a1enzo July 13 2007, 19:33:44 UTC
"Uh-huh. In the closet." Enzo smirks slightly. "It's more interesting than sheets."

Bruck can get an idea of what the Door looked like to Enzo by looking at any of the doors in this hallway. Or the floor. Or the ceiling. Or the pictures on the walls... It doesn't cover things solidly, it's in patches, but nothing is unmarked.


Re: header count mandercommander July 13 2007, 19:46:03 UTC
"I can imagine..." The smirk is returned. Bruck does get a glance at the green stuff. "I take it that that..." Gesture to some of the glowing green. "...is what you saw?" Pause. "Doesn't look good. So...what do we do now?"


Re: header count a1enzo July 16 2007, 00:41:09 UTC
"Now we go get zipboards from the garage."


twiceahero July 13 2007, 16:41:03 UTC
Oracle spends the first few moments a bit distracted. She has legs again, after all. Of a sort anyway. There's a big smile on her face as she looks around.

"So, this is Mainframe?"


a1enzo July 13 2007, 20:18:09 UTC
"Uh-huh. My house."

It's a fairly ordinary upstairs hallway, decorated in a style that manages to be retro and slightly futuristic both at once. It's also covered in patches of glowing green veiny things.


twiceahero July 14 2007, 22:13:23 UTC
The glowing green things are carefully examined. "Is this the virus?"


a1enzo July 14 2007, 23:27:57 UTC
"Uh-huh. Can you get a sample from that, or do you need a person? I can give you one of my toys if you want." Since the veins are just light within the surface of the infected object, a wall might be tricky.


twiceahero July 14 2007, 23:36:26 UTC
"Something non-sentient is probably safer, actually. At least to start off with." A small smile spreads across her face as she shifts the weight from one leg to the other. "Pick something you don't mind losing. I'm not sure what disassembling code will do here in Mainframe."


a1enzo July 15 2007, 00:10:15 UTC
Enzo nods and slips into his bedroom. There are a few moments of clattering noise, and he returns with a slightly battered Flash EPROM action figure, threaded with tiny strands of light.


twiceahero July 15 2007, 01:07:50 UTC
She leans forward but doesn't reach out to take the action figure. "Fascinating. This virus spreads fast." She lifts a hand to detach her icon and holds it out facing upward in the palm of her hand. A glowing wire-frame copy of the toy floats above it. Blocks of text spring up and fade away too quickly and too densely to get a good look at.

Oracle nods firmly, "The anti-virus code we developed should work fine here." One eyebrow is lifted in Enzo's direction, "Care to give it a try?"


a1enzo July 15 2007, 01:08:42 UTC
"Sure!" He takes off his icon and holds it out to her.


twiceahero July 15 2007, 01:28:33 UTC
With a grin she shifts her own icon and the wireframe disappears. She holds it out over Enzo's. "Command line: Download Anti-virus protocol to selected unit."

A brief stream of light flows between the two icons. "There. That should do it."


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