4.04: Time for some thrilling heroics.

Jul 02, 2007 18:31

The Mainframe populace go about their business as usual, if disturbingly cheerfully. The air is filled with cars and zipboards, not CPUs and tanks.

Everything's quiet, more or less.

Of course, given the group that's just coming in from Milliways, that's not liable to last long.


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Team Splodey nofileext July 15 2007, 23:33:42 UTC
Members: Matilda Wormwood, Danny Phantom, Tommy Oliver, Hellboy, Strahan, Slash
Objective: Stop Daemon by any means necessary. Just try not to destroy the system while you're at it.


Re: Team Splodey nofileext July 16 2007, 06:54:09 UTC
Daemon and her messenger have been hard at work; there is only one Tear left unstabilized, only one system left uninfected. Bob struggles to stay conscious through the pain and weakness brought on by his damaged code. He would like nothing more than to stop and rest, but his duty is not yet complete.

I must finish what I began. For my Lady. For the Word.

Summoning all his strength, he forces his energies out toward the Tear, which blossoms into a portal... and then he drops like a rock.

"Bob!" cries Dot in a panic--but Daemon holds out a hand, and Bob's descent comes to an abrupt halt in midair. The virus gently guides him down to rest on the roof near Dot, then turns her attention to the new portal. A single touch, and the green tendrils of the Word spread through the connected system.

"My function is complete." She fingers her hourglass pendant. "Now it is just a matter of time."


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Re: Team Splodey nofileext July 16 2007, 15:41:00 UTC
Daemon has spent the last few cycles with Mike the TV. Danny's going to have to be a lot more annoying to match that.

The supervirus turns toward Danny and Hellboy with a friendly smile. "Hello. I don't remember seeing you before..."


Re: Team Splodey chicksdigtucker July 17 2007, 01:51:57 UTC
From the FentonPhones came a whistle. Danny had only viewed Daemon at a distance on his first trip, so the video feed had not been terribly detailed. "Dude, you didn't tell me she was hot!"


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Re: Team Splodey bprd_agent_red July 17 2007, 03:38:46 UTC
Hellboy looked over the woman and shrugged, "I'd say kinda a pukey pink. An eh, only so-so in the hot department. Her can's too big, never did get into the J-lo look."

He turned his attention to the surrounding area, gave a nod towards the two prisoners and looked back to Danny, "So, we start breaking stuff now or what?"


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Re: Team Splodey nofileext July 17 2007, 04:48:10 UTC
The force of the blast blows Daemon backward against the rounded 'floor' of the subsphere. When the ecto clears, the floor is scorched but Daemon herself is unharmed.

Which isn't to say that she doesn't look more than a little ticked off as she charges back upward through the air toward Danny and Hellboy.


Re: Team Splodey bprd_agent_red July 17 2007, 04:56:40 UTC
"Oh, plaid. Nice." Hellboy smirks. When Daemon charges he steps up, hauls back his giant stone fist and swings, timing to connect with her when she gets to them.


Re: Team Splodey nofileext July 17 2007, 05:04:39 UTC
As she approaches, Daemon holds out both hands and catches Hellboy's fist, stopping it dead. Then, without shifting her grip, she whirls the demon/virus around and throws him like a hammer in an Olympic decathlon.


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Re: Team Splodey bprd_agent_red July 17 2007, 05:34:22 UTC
"Aw crap." He mutters as he goes sailing through the air. "AW CRAP!" He shouts when he sees the long drop below him as he flies over the edge of the roof.

Then he's being pulled back and dropped off back in the fight again. He'll thank the kid later. For now...

"Yeah, hello and goodbye lady!" With that he hammers his fist down at her as Danny holds her, hoping that Danny remembers the part where he warned him to be ready to phase when he started throwing his weight around.


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Re: Team Splodey nofileext July 17 2007, 05:43:57 UTC
And once again Daemon goes flying, grunting in pain as the air is knocked out of her lungs. She soars several hundred yards before she manages to catch herself in midair. As she returns, she's scowling not at Hellboy, but at Danny. "You. You are not a sprite. You are not a virus. What are you?"


Re: Team Splodey bprd_agent_red July 17 2007, 05:49:06 UTC
Hellboy looks Danny up and down and then back at Daemon, "He's the toothfairy, couldn't ya tell?"

He rotates the wrist of his stone hand and beckons her with his other, "C'mere an I'll help you knock out a few choppers and he'll give you a quarter."


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