it's amazing how much...

Dec 22, 2011 16:19 much you depend on the use of your dominant hand.

My right elbow is fubar'd at the moment. I can only move it in a limited capacity.

I cannot fully extend or full flex it, otherwise i hit my pain threshold and go well beyond what i can take.

I really wish I had a clue as to what it is. I've been sick since Sunday, doc saw me last night, and I've got some anti-biotics and an inhaler to help. It seems to be unrelated to the elbow.

I can't put clothes on normally, dry myself off after a shower, wipe my ass, eat, etc.

I have it wrapped right now with an ace bandage and the pain is just simmering at like a 2.

I promise to go to the hospital if it gets worse or doesn't resolve itself within the next day or two.

For the record, I didn't bang it, overextend it, twist it, or anything else I can remember. I think it was slept on wrong.
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