Apr 13, 2010 11:38
So, I have officially put it out there. I have a girlfriend. after a ~7 years dry spell.
I do this with a heavy heart. I would love to shout from the roof tops, but I must approach this cautiously.
The fact is there is a lot of background to this relationship, and I would love to delve into all of it, but I don't know what's fit for public consumption.
It's a bit of a tangle, a little bit of a mess, but what relationship isn't?
The simple straight forward facts. I REALLY like her, and I really enjoy spending time with her. Smart, funny, intellectually stimulating, physically stimulating...the simple answers are usually the right ones.
So far, I've gotten only slight resistance from the family, Mom and Dad are cool, friends around me are cool, congratulatory even.
The family warns of the tangle and the mess, but even the tangle and the mess say, "Go for it. Don't let me stop you."
The simple fact is, if you flip the participants, I'd be saying the same thing to the tangle and mess.
I have to give this the effort it deserves, but parts of me will still worry.
I could very well say "I love you", it's not completely out of the realm of possibility.
I know that the rest of the story will come out in time, and I expect everyone to fall on different sides of the issue, but I wouldn't want it any other way.