(no subject)

May 07, 2008 00:51


I bet right now you are worried sick about Hain. Well, don't worry too much. Know the scoop of where he ran off to in the morning, and found him. He'll be fine. I'll be stopping by adn tell you the rest there.


Scared Leon off. I expected it, but I think he'll shake out of it eventually. He'd better, but I've lost 'comrades'... 'friends'... whatever you want to call them I've lost them all before. It is dissapointing, but I think we'll be able to talk and joke again later..

... Dare I say, I hope so? While things last, little miracles that we don't even ask for, we can still be greedy humans and also hope for more.

Amoungst it all I may have even made myself a new friend. Can I call him that yet? We have enough in common. Andd when he smiles, I know that has to be something to get out of him. A genuine smile. We've been talking a whole lot, and together remain calm; actually, I think I help him relax.

Whatever, I shouldn't be getting comfortable around people anyway. When this is all over, it might be another dream, or I'll be dead again. So whatever Vexen descides to do for me next, it won't even matter. Who knows. I still feelthe same sickness as I did before. I might pass out dead again one day.

I miss the lates nights at bars playing music. And when not playing, listening to it.

So, Scientists, can you send me my Saxaphone? Please? I would really appriciae it and know you can read this. I'm dissapointed I didn't get sent over here with that thing, and other people came with guns and other such possesions from their world. Sometimes we all jsut need a certain something, and I would love my saxaphone.

Anyway, the bar is almost clean on the inside. All this rain has been doing a great number and cleaned the outside.

Soooo. Everyone else, hang in there. I like the storm.. fells like it washing everything bad or unnerving in my mind away. Maybe I'll be sad once all this rain and the storms go away.

rain is good, saxaphone plz, life, henry, hain, leon/kitten, changes, shower time, bar, smkes plz

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