yeah nothing says Good Day like having a Bryan Adams song stuck in your damn head

Sep 30, 2009 13:02

You know for some reason whenever I try to get new LJ comment stats, it stays exactly the same as it was the last time I caculated them? So I guess that means Garrett beats Dre forever. . .

I am totally ready to get my ass to Big Ben's, get my pull list, buy some macaroni and cheese, and be satisfied. I WILL MAKE IT SO.


01. If you've been tagged, you must write your answers in your own LJ and replace any question that you dislike with a new, original question.
02. Tag eight people. Don't refuse to do that. Don't tag who tagged you. In short: OBEY. NO TAG BACKS! *SNAPS RULE IN HALF

→ What's one of the strangest things that has ever happened to you?
The internet.

→ What kind of comics do you read?
Ones that don't suck. (Blackest Night, Booster Gold, Doom Patrol, Power Girl, Green Lantern Corps, Kick-Ass.)

→ What do you collect?
Hats, pins, and those damn promotional lithographs they give away for Disney preorders.

→ What do you wish you could tell someone right now?
"It's how I am" doesn't excuse you being rude.

→ What's one of your musical guilty pleasures?
"Church" by T-Pain is my damn theme song, okay.

→ What's your current fandom/obsession/addiction?
This Blackest Night storyline is my soul right now. But JSA is starting to infect me pretty hardcore.

→ Where would you like to go right now if you had enough money?
Puerto Rico. I have to pick up some people.

→ What color is your bed?
Black and white.

→ What websites do you always visit when you go online?
LalalaLivejournal, gee mail, deviantart

→ What was the last thing you bought?

→ What do you do to relax?
Find things to watch on the youtubes

→ Does the weather affect your mood?
No, the weather affects my joints which affect my mood.

→ What is your zodiac sign?
Taurus/Rabbit. You've no idea how depressed I was when I found this out in grade school. Not only was I not a lion, my sister is a dragon. What the fuck ripoff stars.

→ Do you want to learn another language?
If it means I don't have to study it. Otherwise lol nope I got other shit to do.

→ 5 things (not people) you can't live without?
The internet, my damn car, food, pants, air.

→ Do you have any siblings?
Katie is a year younger than me and in nursing school and will be much more financially secure than I will ever be.

→ In no particular order, list two people who mean a lot to you.
Mama y Papa

→ Who do you really resent right now?
Michael Moore, for lack of actually having anyone to really resent.

→ What were you doing online before you started this meme?
Filling Lara's day with sunshine

Ohhh cheese-infested macaroni, your siren song is sweet and velvety and probably from Gordon Food Services.

meme, hey i'mma let you finish but

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