EXPORTS: Wool, silver, brass, iron wares/weaopnry, livestock. exports to 2, 3, and 4 ECONOMIC STAPLE: Weaponry/smithing MILITARY: Service mandatory by able-bodied first-born via conscription; volunteer-based in times of peace. Strong navy and cavalry. No allies. TERRAIN: Varied from arid, temperate zones with rocky terrain throughout, plateauing out further inland.
CITIES: Several port cities are hubs of economy and population. Inland capital is center for holy holidays and ceremonies, as well as top-tier matters of state. Towns are scattered and become scarcer further inland due to poor terrain/living conditions. The borders of this land are walled off both naturally and via stone keeps and walls.
PEOPLE: Hardy, strict, and disciplined folk rooted to family tradition and land, very suspicious of outsiders. There's a deep sense of pride for their own accomplishments, wariness bordering on rudeness for outside influence. Ruling heads (judges) dwell in separate cities and gather at several points throughout the year. Utility is prided over decoration; housing and designs are always practical before ornate, and only the wealthy or holy folk can have fancy stuff without it bordering on scandalous. These people typically prefer to be addressed by titles and honorifics, emphasize obedience in all things (especially with children), and do not like doing things for outsiders without something - even if small - in exchange. There's an unchecked possessiveness in this society, seeing as no other nations have yet to call them out on their gradual expansion and hoarding (the nations they trade with have had no qualms lately).
Multi-regional nation
EXPORTS: Wool, silver, brass, iron wares/weaopnry, livestock. exports to 2, 3, and 4
ECONOMIC STAPLE: Weaponry/smithing
MILITARY: Service mandatory by able-bodied first-born via conscription; volunteer-based in times of peace. Strong navy and cavalry. No allies.
TERRAIN: Varied from arid, temperate zones with rocky terrain throughout, plateauing out further inland.
CITIES: Several port cities are hubs of economy and population. Inland capital is center for holy holidays and ceremonies, as well as top-tier matters of state. Towns are scattered and become scarcer further inland due to poor terrain/living conditions.
The borders of this land are walled off both naturally and via stone keeps and walls.
PEOPLE: Hardy, strict, and disciplined folk rooted to family tradition and land, very suspicious of outsiders. There's a deep sense of pride for their own accomplishments, wariness bordering on rudeness for outside influence. Ruling heads (judges) dwell in separate cities and gather at several points throughout the year. Utility is prided over decoration; housing and designs are always practical before ornate, and only the wealthy or holy folk can have fancy stuff without it bordering on scandalous. These people typically prefer to be addressed by titles and honorifics, emphasize obedience in all things (especially with children), and do not like doing things for outsiders without something - even if small - in exchange.
There's an unchecked possessiveness in this society, seeing as no other nations have yet to call them out on their gradual expansion and hoarding (the nations they trade with have had no qualms lately).
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