Sep 25, 2008 13:53
I'm sure there's been lots going on, but right now I just can't think of much that has been significant...
My husband has been getting onto Deviant art recently, and the thrill of having people view and praise ones art has been making me want to break down and finally get an account on there... Dunno what I would name it though, and I'd also feel the need to create new art for posting on it. At the very least, I'd want to be able to put up some of my older works... The problem with putting up older stuff though is that it's all on my desktop, and last week the video card fried. *is sad*
The computer still works and runs, I just have no video at all. I know it works because I know all the sounds it makes when it's running properly, and how long it takes to load into the login screen. Also, my computer has this nice feature where all I have to do is hit the power button, and it goes into an automatic shutdown, which has also been working properly.
I've checked all the connections and they are secure, and I know it's not the cable or my monitor, because that wouldn't cause the system to completely crash when this all started. Not to mention my monitor still says "no signal". So I'm pretty certain it's the card, and hope to be getting it into a repair place of some sort in the next few weeks.
Might not even bother with a new card, if I can just get the processor video re-initialized...
Having two laptops has been a lifesaver though. One is vastly superior to the other, so we're swapping back and forth a lot, but they both play W.o.W. so I'm good on either. lol
I'm gonna see if I can't get photoshop on the better one, so that at least one of the working comps has it available to us.
I miss my computer so badly... We're still recovering from the most recent time the Navy messed up Scott's pay though, so we're a little tight, and have more important matters than computer repair to worry about...
I suppose if DA is going to continue to beckon me, I might as well start making stuff for it, until I can access my pc again. I've never been good at comic writing/art but that's what I've been wanting to do for the last couple of years. Still need to think of a DA name though. lol