Xmas Cards

Nov 05, 2012 22:04

Sanchan's post about Christmas cards reminded me that it is almost Christmas °_°

Last here I didn't do a proper post for Christmas cards, but I sent out some of them to people I follow on twitter. This year I want to do things properly.

People who want a card from me, please reply to this post with your address and preferences for the card (comments are screened).

The cards will be fandom themed. I prefer drawing kisumai, just because I know already how to do it, but I might give a try to other fandoms like abc-z, sexy zone, smap etc or tell me what you like and I'll see if I can draw it. XD

Let me know in your comment what do you want on your card, any particular member or pairing, in a specific outfit or pose, or if you have no idea, I'll think about that too.

There's no need to send anything in exchange, but if you want to send me a card (it doesn't necessarily have to be handmade) I will give you my address. It will make me happy to receive it. :)

creativity!, christmas cards, i work for fandom

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