(no subject)

Nov 07, 2005 10:49

I have new shoes.
And they have heels.

Which is kinda new for me, since I'm 182 cm (it's, what? 6'?) and I dread heels because then I can look over *everyone*'s heads on the bus. Which is weird. And I feel like a Godzilla.
Oh, well, whatever.

But the shoes are pretty and cute and dark violet and they have little bow thingies and little cute heels.

Which brings my total purchases this month (so far. it's not middle, even) to:
*skirt (short, pleated, grey, very naughty school-girl like)
*sweater (creme and gorgoeus)
*top (light blue covered in black crochet. And with a huge cleavage-showing thing going on)
*sleeves (yeah, sleeves. black, wavy, you can wear them over a shirt and it looks way cool)
*lipgloss (Revlon, super lustrous, beige)
*shoes (previously mentioned)
*a book (Mort, by Terry Pratchett... I used to have a copy in both English in Polish, then I lended it to someone... yeah).

On the overall? Quite different than my usual spendings...

After 20 years I've realised I may be a girl after all.

Realised also that I'm kinda broke before the month really started.

Oh, well.

Also. Would anyone make me a Christmas icon? I'll make you an icon of your choice in return... it's just that I'm trying for an hour now and can't come up with a Christmasy icon I like...

clothes, random insanity

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