
Aug 27, 2009 13:41

Not spoilery: OMG OMG OMG.

Spoilery ( OMG )

squee, leverage, awesome, tv, reactions, random insanity

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Comments 7

kubis August 27 2009, 12:12:49 UTC

And I agree about Nate/Sophie - I usually don't care about that ship, but at the end of this episode? Oh, yes!

This show makes me SO HAPPY. The second crew. And, as always, all Eliot's scenes (he's speaking Hebrew!). And Parker's knowledge of ST!

In conclusion: This show is LOVE and it should never, ever end, and, just, <3333
YES! (btw, I've heard that they got 3rd season \o/)


noelia_g August 27 2009, 14:14:47 UTC
3rd season HELL TO THE YEAH.

And you know what makes me most happy lately? Hardison. With all the shows portraying geeks as anti-social and losers, he's so well-adjusted (considering) and fun and smart and AWESOME.

And sure, the ex-Mossad taking off her shirt and all was blatant fan service, but DAMNIT, so was Eliot! <3

And, just <3 Sophie, who is complicated and complex and has issues but isn't weak and doesn't need a man to fix them. Just THIS SHOW.


kubis August 27 2009, 14:34:12 UTC
YES. Hardison! <3

Ha, I actually think ELIOT taking off HIS shirt was more of a fan service. XD And yes, she took off her shirt, but they were actually doing the same things - her jacket, his jacket, her shirt, his shirt (and it made sense, because it's easier to fight without them). And both of them ended up with the top still on. So, YAY.

Basically, all of them are LOVE. This show is LOVE. Everyone should watch it, trufax.


noelia_g August 27 2009, 14:37:39 UTC
At this point MY MOTHER is like: Are there new episodes? Why aren't there new episodes? I want new episodes!

(She is, I think, almost at the point where she'd be ready to watch it with subtitles, if the Nscreen doesn't hurry up and put on the second season where she can watch it. And she HATES subtitles with a fiery passion and refuses to watch anything with them.)

It's probably the only show right now (well, okay, this and CSI:NY) that I love unconditionally and if someone even mentions it, I turn into a happy pile of goo because LEVERAGE <33


juana_a August 27 2009, 15:50:50 UTC

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