Title: Always Pairing: Gordon/Bruce Rating: NC-17 Word count: 2335. A/N: gaudy_night requested handcuffs. There are going to be two stories for this prompt, as I couldn't decide whom I'd prefer to wear them ;D
Jim raises his eyebrow, and schools his voice down before he hazards a dry answer. "Strange. I'm pretty sure I've heard Bruce Wayne is always prepared in this specific area."
"You should know better than to listen to urban legends, Jim, really," Bruce shakes his head mock-seriously. "And in your line of work?"
Comments 22
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Lovely! (and I understand your dilemma about who should be wearing the cuffs - looking forward to seeing Jim in them...;))
Bruce gets insufferable and refuses to be written about at all if I don't let him be in control. It would be funny if it wasn't so annoying ;D
And I even took a poll to decide, but the results were inconclusive. Finally someone told me to stop fussing and write both. Very smart :)
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"You should know better than to listen to urban legends, Jim, really," Bruce shakes his head mock-seriously. "And in your line of work?"
Hehehe, that was cute. I liked this.
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