...that I will soon be in. I have found a shop that sells imported food stuff, and I stacked up in delicious things. Those little marshmallows, hershey syrup, cadbury hot chocolate mix, s'mores pop tarts... I am now stuffed like a little piglet, and very, very happy. I will pay for this when I'm not able to wear my favourite jeans, of course, but SO. GOOD.
In other news, revised my icons.
Icons uploaded: 109/115
Amy Acker in various roles and incarnations: 21
Anthony Stewart Head: 16
CSI:NY: 13
Jossverse: 39
made by me: 11
Favourite icon at the moment:
Happiest icon:
thebluespaniard Saddest icon:
letsey_x Sexiest icon:
infinitiva Funniest icon:
iconzicons Oldest icon:
(by me)
Newest icon:
bubbles_girl778 OMG OTP! icon:
miz_thang88 'I want someone to write fic about this' icon:
(by me)
Also. Personal canon meme comeback!
Name a character and I'll tell you three (or more) facts about them from my own personal pseudo-canon.