PS3 Update - Infamous

Jul 03, 2009 09:14


Overall - 8.5
Art direction/ animation - 9
Story - 7.5
Controls/ Combat/ Platforming - 8
Replay Value - 7
(Scale 1 - 10)

An interesting game in that it takes the 'Sand Box' game to a new level.  They have managed to have open world exploration without sacrificing character development or a story line that draws you through the game. The real star of the game is the actual exploration of the world. The game boasts terrific 'flow style' jumping and platforming that make moving around the world good fun. It's sort of 'Mirror's Edge' without the broken combat system and with the addition of a point.

The story centers on an everyday guy who after a terrorist attack gains the superhuman ability to control electricity. He's then given the choice to become a hero and protect mankind or become a villian and destroy it.

I find myself comparing this game to the much lauded Fallout 3 - and find that it's better in almost everyway. The key attraction to a 'sand box' game is the exploration of the world. And they've gotten that just right here. Not long into the game you unlock several abilities that make make simply moving around a blast. Grinding along power lines, along subway rails or even gliding off rooftops is just fun. And the experience is enhanced by terrific level design that rewards 'flow', that is, connecting movements/ jumps in a smooth pattern with good timing. You will actually find that you can cross huge portions of the vast 'world' in just a few seconds once you find the correct paths. There are also tons of collectibles to reward your efforts.

There is also strong narrative. True the plot is riddled with gaping holes, but it holds together well enough to give you clear reasons to be proceeding. There are plenty of 'side quests' which differ slightly depending on whether you are good or bad. Some of the side quests are fun though they do get a little repetitive, but each is relative brief so they don't get in the way too much and there are good rewards for doing them. I didn't like the 'ending' felt like the beginning: the whole story feels like a set up for sequel (ie Assassin's Creed).

Combat is good too. The controls (although somewhat complex) work well. The difficulty curve is well executed. And the boss battles fun if a little uninspired. The leveling up system seems a little tacked on, especially with the weapon upgrades. I couldn't notice any point to any of the upgrades.  Enemies are well designed to encourage/ require use of all of your powers as different enemies are weak against different attacks. Graphics and sound are solid. The inclusion of two different career paths (good and evil) encourages replay.

In summary - I liked the game. It throws alot of different types of game play at you; combat, platforming, exploration and even stealth and executes them all reasonably well.  The story, though not perfect, is engaging. And the game length is really respectable (close to 30 hours) especially with the current trend to shorter and shorter games. I'd say this one is probably worth a purchase and an absolute must for rental.
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