gotta have a sexy spike for xmas now don't i? BUT this spike keeps giving through New Years so feel free to wrap him up for yourself if you'd like.
He's worksafe but he's still scantily clad and OH SO YUMMY....i mean really who wouldn't want this under their tree or stuffed in their stocking? Have a wonderful holiday season. :D
(oh and i'll have two more posts coming is Twas A Night Before Xmas Spander style but i gotta finish it. (the icons kept me busy don't ya know ;) )
and banners for all the participants and commentors. :)
anyhoo...merry merry and onward to the skin. ;)
(i also have him without the xmas stuff too if anyone wants that.)
and another version I did for fun but
jasonsnene snagged it for her LJ.