Title: California Christmas
Pairing: Justine Cooper/Spike
Rating: Adult (language, sex)
Genre: Angst, Drama
Summary: AU, Post-Chosen. Things go a bit differently for Spike after he burns up in the Hellmouth, and a run-in with an angry and depressed Justine Cooper spells trouble.
A/N: For my
noel_of_spike day, I did something a bit experimental. I put BtVS/Ats character names, both male and female, on paper, cut the paper into little strips, and mixed them up. The names I drew were the pairings that would be in the stories. Justine Cooper was the first character name I drew.
The story is 8,712 words long. It's divided into two parts, both posted at my journal.
Part 1/2 Part 2/2