December 26-31, 2015 - Recap Post 3: The Old and New

Jan 01, 2016 14:09

Happy New Year, everyone, and thanks so much to sueworld2003 for keeping the tradition going, and to all of the posters for making the 2015 season of noel_of_spike a special one!

Enjoy the final recap of the season, and may your worst day in 2016 be better than your best day of 2015!



gillo's Little Woman - Spike/Buffy, PG-15.

rebcake’s final installment to the four-part When You Wish Upon a Bar - Spike/Buffy, Dawn, D’Hoffryn. PG-13. Spike isn’t getting what he really wants out of his secret “relationship” with Buffy, though things could be worse. Just his luck, D’Hoffryn has decided to celebrate Gurnenthar's Ascendance on the Hellmouth after a romantic disappointment of his own. (Links to earlier parts on page.)

vikingprincessSnowbound - Spike/Dawn teen romance; PG-13 language and Mature smut


comlodge’s Art Bits - 10 icons and 5 beautiful banners - one banner possibly not worksafe, the final one most definitely not worksafe

nmcil12’s Slayer’s Ghosts and Happy New Year, Everything Spike - both worksafe

sueworld2003’s The Look - Spike, Seasonal Spander - Spike/Xander, and Season’s Greetings - all worksafe; plus Silent Night and what I’ll call Naughty Night, the second of which might be considered not worksafe. :)

recap post, 2015, mod post

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