Title: Spike in a sort of Christmas Mood
Author: comlodge
Medium: Artwork
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: Not my original images but I did play with them a lot and had a lot of fun that I thought I would share.
Summary: Just used some of my fave caps and images 'cause it is the season....
A wallpaper to brighten your desktop
Please click on image for full size.
A Spike & Dru Christmas Card
I'm not really sure that I'd like their idea of a happy holiday but they are a handsome couple.
Another Spike & Dru Seasonal Card
A little Spike Manip - perfectly worksafe
Click if you want this one a little bigger.
Last but not, I hope, least a little James Marsters looking so very Spike like in a musical way
He's comes in a bigger size too.