Five Prayers From a Fool for Love (PG, Spike)

Dec 26, 2013 20:33

Title: Five Prayers From a Fool for Love
Author: vikingprincess
Fandom/Characters: BtVs, Spike and others
Ratings/Warnings: PG. Um. Twelve and ten-year-old character death? Otherwise, not so much.
Word Count: ~900
Disclaimers: BtVS and all associated characters belong to Joss and ME. The words and concepts of this story belong to me.
Author's Note: It's only Christmassy because faith, love and sacrifice are central, but I hope it'll work for you just the same. Written for the seasonal community noel_of_spike, 2013.

Summary: Throughout the decades, many things have changed for Spike, but one has stayed the same.

May God break my heart so completely that the whole world falls in.
― Mother Teresa

vikingprincess, fic, pg, spike

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