lurk is now the most popular word on livejournal.

Aug 10, 2003 19:13

1: seethrustars, 2: can_i_scream, 3: rossordie, 4: ablacksunrise,
5: falls_apart, 6: since1983, 7: shesaith, 8: _twohandtouch,
9: red_allure, 10: words_fall_out, 11: i_saw_you_naked, 12: xtruckermilitia,
13: absentmemory, 14: secndhandmurder, 15: apoetictheory, 16: xeurotrashx,
17: liz_arson, 18: sptmbrsanctions, 19: fredtheseagull, 20: alienwheel,
21: emoholocaust, 22: deathtotv, 23: vanitycircles, 24: bunuelito,
25: romanceandrain, 26: evangelion08, 27: littlebluebook, 28: fbmbmx,
29: toxie, 30: xheartxbrokenx, 31: soulconfessions, 32: xhardcorepatx,
33: failurebydsign, 34: erinonersoc, 35: jims_dad, 36: markmcgavin,
37: poptartspaz, 38: my_bad, 39: imjustin, 40: beatupshoes,
41: nostatus, 42: bigtimboa, 43: blonde_bubbles, 44: exsanguination_,
45: cutmyhairshort, 46: theskyisopen, 47: pukpusher, 48: ill_eat_ur_soul,
49: xoxalegnaxox, 50: isnt_she_lovely

yes yes. add me, maybe ill add you back.
and i thought i was a freaking lurker. im on person's list.
ps. #1=me. i lurk on myself.
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