I love Roger Ebert, I really do, but he has confessed to being an Anglophile, of the sort that think all Brits speak beautifully and wear starched collars. He says he lovs the Sherlock Holmes stories for their form and function- cases go up to 221B, and solutions come down, with a all knowing Sherlock and a 'frightened' Watson. Ebert feels that Holmes has been fed to the f/x grist mill, and a review that of was of faint praise
, consigning Holmes to a 'superhero' type of movie. I'm sorry, Roger, but how long has it been since you have sit down with the Holmes mysteries? Dude, Sherlock Holmes was the first modern superhero. Dude, he fell down a falls in Austria with Moriarty- and lived!
May I say that this truly shows Guy Ritchie's evolution as a director and Robert Downey refreshment as a truely one of the age best screen performers? Ritchie is a Brit, a privileged one at that), and he understands something that Anglophiles may not truly understand: That under the starched collars, velvet and roses are a people who throughly capable of cruelty, greed and shocking passion, and developed a culture to mask it. Knowing this, Ritchie and Downey create a character that is very much in spirit to the Conan Doyle original. Yes, Roger, Sherlock is a drug user ( and most likely drank a great deal of alcohol- it would have not been seen as abuse.) but Conan Doyle makes it clear that Sherlock was also extremely physical, and was devotee of sweet science of boxing. Given his proneness to boredom, exercise and boxing for fun it not surprising at all. And let us remember, Sherlock is a supremely urban character. He knows his London like the back of his hand. The countryside is for detoxing and solving mysteries.
Yeah, Sherlock is a badass.
Watson may have been fretful- but again, Ebert seems to have forgotten his Conan Doyle in favor his Rathbone series. Watson was a veteran of the Afghan border wars, had a couple of war injuries, and had medals for courage and medical ability. Whenever Sherlock was going somewhere, who was packing the gun? Watson. Who stitched up Holmes after something stupid? Watson. Who romanced the ladies and made them sigh?
Watson, baby. Jude Law as Watson. Jesus.
And all of my long buried steampunk and Victorian Gothic love is just stroked, baby. Conan Doyle had the same love, and it comes together in a most glorious way. The opening 15 minutes just sweeps into the coal smoke and dust and horse poo of the London of your imagination, the one who you still look for when you travel to London.
And Mark Strong as Lord Blackwood. God, you know that Conan Doyle thought about that story. You know it.
And Rachel McAdams as Irene Adler. You know Irene was that beautiful, even when all scratched up. and you know she totally rocked trousers and a waistcoat on occasion. How do you think she did all those robbery jobs?
Oh, yeah, I am still floating on cloud nine. Just kickass.
Like Conan Doyle would have always meant to be.
Roger, return to the text!