Jan 2 2010 !

Jan 02, 2010 01:32

Taking a cue from Anodyna, I will do a very quick summary of my year:

This year, I accomplished some things, some by design and some by accident. Here are a few:

Exhausted and made sick by an temp office job and stressed out from bad communication from my family, I started a weight loss and fitness regime. I lost 35 pounds of fat, gained about 5 in muscle, and lost 7 dress sizes, to a 6 (British 8).

I started working as a progressive freelancer for pushing Health Care Reform here in the USA- all done for free, but it was something I truly believed in.

I also started my own writing/freelance business- and even made a bit of money.

< I wound up helping out my housemates FAR TOO MUCH in terms of finances. Far, far, far too much. With little gratitude and a shocking illusion of their entitlement to the middle class life that they simply cannot afford. This must change and will change this year with my move that I am planning in March. It will be good for me, since I have discovered that I do like partying,travel, sex and Mass, and that they are not exclusive to each other, and perhaps it would be best to have a double studio in the city than share a house in the Burbs.

this year I intend to ramp up my freelancing work and hopefully have a part time job on the side. If I make more than 18K by August in my freelance job, I will give up having corporate job or looking for corporate work.

I wish to move- either deeper into the city where I am know or To New York or LA. Times are horrid all over, and jobs are dear. But I could get more assignments if I lived near those cities, and I have made incredible contacts with people who have connections to freelance work. It's really true what they say- The suburbs are stifling and insular, and I find that I want no more of it.

So what is your plan for the New Year

not fan related, new year

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