Oct 26, 2009 23:04
1) Vulcan, although a desert, had a variety of good foods- grains, legumes, palm fruits (like dates and a version of coconuts) melons and squashes and other assorted fruits that resemble seeded bananas, guavas and tamarinds. There are also resinous spices as well, and starchy root vegetables. Vulcans had their version of resinous marijuana and poppies which was mind expanding.
2) Manhood- and Womanhood- is determined between ages 7-12, the Kahs-Wans- but that is only releveant to clan obligation; you are really not an adult until your are between ages, 20-26. Your first Ponn farr should hit around this time although it can be as late as age 40.
3) Romulans DO have a version of Ponn Farr, but for them it is managed through medication and therapy- as it was before the time of Surak.
4) In the 23rd Century, North American English is now Standard Linga Franca. Sorry.
5) The South has been flooded after the final series of World Wars and people simply let it be. The landscape has changed quite a bit. Georgia now includes Florida.
6) There is no longer a designation in North America for 'white'. It no longer exists. Same for any other ethnic designation.
7) Africa and it's various states are now the happening places to be. North America is intersting, but Africa is red hot, with bustling, bursting cities with fashionable buildings and plenty of material wealth. The Sino-African alliance is still in effect after 200 years!
8) Uhura's family has a large, spacious home in New Naroibi.
9) McCoy grew up on a family farm in Macon, Georgia- it is a designated historic farm.
10) Spock grew up just outside Shi'Kahr on his one of his father's properties, in a home built just for his mother, Amanda. He did have access to the family Castle, though, and T'pau did tolerate his presence.
11) Jim grew up mostly in Riverside. And Talus IV, which he won't talk about.
12) The Ord Gracin incident is classified.
13) Talus IV is classified.
14) What happened to the old Intrepid is classified.
world building,